Find the best Antiraid Discord Bots for your server including Wick, Beemo, Security and many more.
Moderation, anti raid, anti nuke, automod, antispam, veri...
530,000 Servers
Hello! My name is Beemo 😊 I help to prevent userbot s...
104,000 Servers
Discord Security Bot
48,900 Servers
🇫🇷 L'art de protéger ! 🇬🇧 The art of protect...
17,100 Servers
SecRaid est un bot de sécurité qui a comme objectif de ...
6,280 Servers
Suporte: Me adicione: https://...
3,680 Servers
Kyuri is a multipurpose discord bot with features such as...
3,660 Servers
**AntiRaid.** The moderation bot. > ___***Find more info...
2,650 Servers
Simple but powerful discord bot Mr. Infinity 🎉 Develo...
2,350 Servers
`🐉`・**** `👑`・Bot's **server** ➜ https...
2,100 Servers
**Créateur :** > Bapti#9999
2,010 Servers
All bots and channels: *Website...
1,560 Servers
¡Hola! Soy **DevSecurity**. __Un bot de Seguridad para t...
1,020 Servers
Advanced auto & manual moderation bot designed for medium...
884 Servers
Blackfire Bot Çok Yakında Tekrar Sizlerle Olacaktır.
869 Servers
`🚨` › Verteidige deinen Server gegen **Raids** und *...
536 Servers
Ticket and moderation in one bot.
517 Servers
`Service Ended ⛔` Bot de seguridad, sistema Antinuke, ...
431 Servers
iFive est un bot multi-langue avec des fonctionnalités p...
419 Servers
Securise your server with me Support:
369 Servers
A multipurpose highly modular Discord bot. https://kirbo...
326 Servers
Support server > Owner/creato...
324 Servers
<:sorrow_reply:902879881447211038> **`?`** Flawless premi...
286 Servers
I will find you bob
285 Servers
<:pl_blacklist:1034176084943568978> Cross-server blacklis...
240 Servers
This bot has now been discontinued
221 Servers
`AntiRaid, Join Filter, Tickets, Math, Moderation, Levels...
176 Servers
AIAS (Artificial Intelligence AntiSpam) is a Discord bot ...
169 Servers
• Help: • Docs: https://e...
164 Servers
<:VoltLogo:942065591857066064> VoltGuard is a moderation ...
73 Servers
> • **Support:** `` > • ...
40 Servers
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