Zero Discord Bot

Zero Discord Bot

~ Zero, A Multipurpose Bot, With Antinuke, Tickets, Logging, Music And Much More…Create Better Ultimate Discord Server With Zero, Better Than Other Premium Bots.
<:Zero:1109367426774220800> **Invite Zero -**
**Support Server -**

About Zero

Zero, a Multipurpose Discord bot that provides various features and functionalities to enhance the user experience on Discord servers. It aims to improve communication, moderation, server security, entertainment and basically makes certain things easy to do on Discord, like many of the tasks which need to be performed manually or some features in Discord which can only be used from Laptops/PCs, can be easily performed through the help of this bot.


Main Commands

  1. Antinuke
  2. General
  3. Music
  4. Pfps
  5. Automod
  6. Welcomer
  7. Logging
  8. Tickets
  9. Verification

Extra Commands

  1. Nsfw
  2. Server
  3. Moderation
  4. Utility
  5. Voice
  6. VcRoles
  7. Giveaway
  8. Games
  9. Fun
  10. Reaction Roles
  11. Vanity Roles
fun games moderation multipurpose security

Zero Command List

Popular commands that users of the Zero Discord bot use most often. Get a full list by doing /help in Discord.


Enables or Disables anti spam feature


Timeouts someone for specific time.


Create A Embed Using Zero


hack someone's discord account


Set afk of the user in the server

Zero Bot FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the Zero Discord Bot.

What is the Zero Discord bot invite?

The invite for the Zero Discord Bot is

Is the Zero Discord bot offline?

The Zero Discord bot was last seen online, if you are experiencing issues please join their support server and open a ticket for help.

How many servers is Zero in?

Zero is in 109 servers.

How can I add the Zero Discord bot to my server?

To add the Zero bot to your Discord server, simply click the "Invite Discord Bot" button on this page.

What is the Zero bot client ID?

The Discord bot id for Zero is 1107867557995749448

Want to add the Zero Discord bot to your server? click the button below to invite it.

Invite Discord Bot