Teal Music Discord Bot

Teal Music Discord Bot

<:0:1124669588752302180><:1:1124669582205014027><:2:1124669584834838538> <:07:1124669671040372876><:1:1124669673418530836><:2:1124669677856108656>
*This bot helps making your community a great place.*
**keep the bot alive**: https://www.patreon.com/lorenzo132/membership
**Support**: https://discord.gg/gjDymvVmR8
**Invite**: https://discord.com/application-directory/972795104525975622

About Teal Music

The Perfect Discord bot.

Teal is the only Discord Music bot you'll ever need!

Wide range of platforms.

Teal allows you to play music from a wide range of platforms to cover all of your favorite songs!

Feature-rich command list.

Teal offers you a much more feature-rich command list than the average music bot! You can get more information on the commands page!

music social

Teal Music Command List

Popular commands that users of the Teal Music Discord bot use most often. Get a full list by doing /help in Discord.


Join's your voice channel.


plays a song.


Stops the player and clear the queue


forcefully skips the current playing track


skips the current playing track

Teal Music Bot FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the Teal Music Discord Bot.

What is the Teal Music Discord bot invite?

The invite for the Teal Music Discord Bot is https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=972795104525975622&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands

Is the Teal Music Discord bot offline?

The Teal Music Discord bot was last seen online, if you are experiencing issues please join their support server and open a ticket for help.

How many servers is Teal Music in?

Teal Music is in 82,100 servers.

How can I add the Teal Music Discord bot to my server?

To add the Teal Music bot to your Discord server, simply click the "Invite Discord Bot" button on this page.

What is the Teal Music bot client ID?

The Discord bot id for Teal Music is 972795104525975622

Want to add the Teal Music Discord bot to your server? click the button below to invite it.

Invite Discord Bot