VoiceMaster Discord Bot

VoiceMaster Discord Bot

Discord bot that creates temporary voice channels by joining preexisting channels and deletes it when the channel is empty.

About VoiceMaster

VoiceMaster is the 1st Discord bot to introduce temporary voice/text channels on discord.

Millions of users and 400,000+ servers actively using the bot.

Ranked amongst the top 100 bots on Discord.

VoiceMaster creates temporary channels for users to stop channel clutter within servers, these channels can be customized by users.

Many different types of channel setups are offered, such as the following:

↠ Default setup

↠ Predefined setup

↠ Sequential setup

↠ Clone channels

Custom Voice Channel Join To Create Temp Text Channels Temp Voice Channels Temporary Channels

VoiceMaster Command List

Popular commands that users of the VoiceMaster Discord bot use most often. Get a full list by doing /help in Discord.


Setup the Join To Create channels.


Set commands.


Bot related commands.


List the available commands


Retrieve channel modification commands.

VoiceMaster Bot FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the VoiceMaster Discord Bot.

What is the VoiceMaster Discord bot invite?

The invite for the VoiceMaster Discord Bot is https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=472911936951156740&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands

Is the VoiceMaster Discord bot offline?

The VoiceMaster Discord bot was last seen online, if you are experiencing issues please join their support server and open a ticket for help.

How many servers is VoiceMaster in?

VoiceMaster is in 425,000 servers.

How can I add the VoiceMaster Discord bot to my server?

To add the VoiceMaster bot to your Discord server, simply click the "Invite Discord Bot" button on this page.

What is the VoiceMaster bot client ID?

The Discord bot id for VoiceMaster is 472911936951156740

Want to add the VoiceMaster Discord bot to your server? click the button below to invite it.

Invite Discord Bot