Flow Music Discord Bot
Flow Music is a bot allowing you to play music through Discord with Spotify!
`/play` ~ You must select a song from the list, supports Spotify songs and playlists!
Support: https://discord.gg/XD5phr4YFd
About Flow Music
Flow Music is a bot allowing you to play music through Discord with Spotify!
Here are all our commands and what they do!
General Commands
- View all our commands and what they do.
- Get information about the bot!
- Check the API Latency!
- Add our bot to your discord server!
- Get an invite to our support server!
Music Commands
- Play a song from YouTube or a stream.
- Get the current playing track.
- Pause the current video.
- Resume the current video.
- Clear the queue and stop the player.
- Skip the current video.
- Loop the current video.
- Shuffle the queue.
- Change the player's volume.
- Seek through the current playing video or song.
- View the current queue.
audio fun music social spotifyFlow Music Command List
Popular commands that users of the Flow Music Discord bot use most often. Get a full list by doing /help in Discord.
Play a song.
Shows available commands and info about specific commands.
Skip the current song.
View the current song.
Stop the music player.
Flow Music Bot FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the Flow Music Discord Bot.
What is the Flow Music Discord bot invite?
The invite for the Flow Music Discord Bot is https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=393673098441785349&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands
Is the Flow Music Discord bot offline?
The Flow Music Discord bot was last seen online, if you are experiencing issues please join their support server and open a ticket for help.
How many servers is Flow Music in?
Flow Music is in 267,000 servers.
How can I add the Flow Music Discord bot to my server?
To add the Flow Music bot to your Discord server, simply click the "Invite Discord Bot" button on this page.
What is the Flow Music bot client ID?
The Discord bot id for Flow Music is 393673098441785349