Dat Bot Discord Bot
<:datbot_newpb_round:1059469772330377246>・Leveling, Moderation, Security, Games, Entertainment and much more!
<:discord_servers:1029009256592195594>・Support: https://discord.gg/datbot
<:discord_online:1029009583127134228>・Status: https://status.datbot.xyz/
<:verifiedbot:969572182017576980>・Help menu:
About Dat Bot
- ✨Leveling
- 📺Twitch stream notifications
- 🛡️Moderation, Security and Logging
- 👋Welcome and Leave Logs
- 🤖Autoroles & Autopublish
- 🎮Games & Statistics
- ℹ️ Information & Utility
- 🔎 Emoji quiz & Flag quiz
- 😂 Entertainment & Fun
- 🎨Advanced Embed editor
Why Dat Bot?
- Active development
- Everything is free (no hidden fees)
- Modern & secure
Command examples
| Command| Usage | ------------- |:-------------:| -----:| | /autorole add| Add an autorole. | /bot setup| Use the very quick setup. | /embeds create| Create your own embed. | /flagquiz setup| Set the channel for the flag quiz and start the quiz. | /level leaderboard| Shows the level leaderboard. | /twitch notification add| Add a Twitch stream notification. | /welcome settings| View and manage the settings.
Entertainment Games Level Moderation TwitchDat Bot Command List
Popular commands that users of the Dat Bot Discord bot use most often. Get a full list by doing /help in Discord.
These are my (text) level commands.
Autoroles are roles that are added to a member when joining a guild.
Shows info about something.
Check the iq of somebody.
View information about DatBot, set up the bot and more.
Dat Bot Bot FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the Dat Bot Discord Bot.
What is the Dat Bot Discord bot invite?
The invite for the Dat Bot Discord Bot is https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=965903240384376872&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands
Is the Dat Bot Discord bot offline?
The Dat Bot Discord bot was last seen online, if you are experiencing issues please join their support server and open a ticket for help.
How many servers is Dat Bot in?
Dat Bot is in 529 servers.
How can I add the Dat Bot Discord bot to my server?
To add the Dat Bot bot to your Discord server, simply click the "Invite Discord Bot" button on this page.
What is the Dat Bot bot client ID?
The Discord bot id for Dat Bot is 965903240384376872