DustyBot Discord Bot
Hi, I'm a bot for music fan Discords
Web: https://dustybot.info/
Server: https://discord.gg/mKKJFvZ
Patreon: https://patreon.com/yeba
Privacy: https://dustybot.info/privacy
About DustyBot
An open-source bot for music fan Discords.
- Keep track of your artist's schedule
- Countdown and notifications for events
- Last.fm stats
- Spotify stats
- Daum Cafe feeds
- Track your artist's YouTube stats
- Starboards (customizable)
- Raid protection
- Simple self-assignable roles
- Notifications
- Greet & bye messages, auto-roles
- Polls, reactions, logging, and more...
events last.fm roles schedule spotifyDustyBot Command List
Popular commands that users of the DustyBot Discord bot use most often. Get a full list by doing /help in Discord.
DustyBot Bot FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the DustyBot Discord Bot.
What is the DustyBot Discord bot invite?
The invite for the DustyBot Discord Bot is https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=325387620266016768&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands
Is the DustyBot Discord bot offline?
The DustyBot Discord bot was last seen online, if you are experiencing issues please join their support server and open a ticket for help.
How many servers is DustyBot in?
DustyBot is in 34,500 servers.
How can I add the DustyBot Discord bot to my server?
To add the DustyBot bot to your Discord server, simply click the "Invite Discord Bot" button on this page.
What is the DustyBot bot client ID?
The Discord bot id for DustyBot is 325387620266016768