Aurorа Discord Bot
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About Aurorа
Aurora is powerful customizable multipurpose bot for your server
Our goal is to replace almost all bots on your server with Aurora functionality, because Aurora is a universal solution for moderation, economics, entertainment and more! To achieve our goal of Aurora's versatility, the development team is constantly creating new content and updates. Trust us and we assure you that you will love Aurora and its functionality. Just check out some of the Aurora's features, you'll love it!
Currently implemented modules:
🞄 Information 🞄 Moderation 🞄 Economy 🞄 Levels 🞄 Love and weddings 🞄 Greetings and goodbyes 🞄 Thanks for Nitro boost(alpha, not tested) 🞄 Emotions 🞄 Tickets 🞄 Event logging 🞄 Tops 🞄 Localizations (language change) 🞄 Profiles 🞄 Statistics 🞄 Autoroles
economics fun moderation multifunctionalAurorа Command List
Popular commands that users of the Aurorа Discord bot use most often. Get a full list by doing /help in Discord.
Play blackjack casino game
Play slots casino game
Show your or @User's balance
Get money per time
Emotions slash command prefix
Aurorа Bot FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the Aurorа Discord Bot.
What is the Aurorа Discord bot invite?
The invite for the Aurorа Discord Bot is
Is the Aurorа Discord bot offline?
The Aurorа Discord bot was last seen online, if you are experiencing issues please join their support server and open a ticket for help.
How many servers is Aurorа in?
Aurorа is in 1,500 servers.
How can I add the Aurorа Discord bot to my server?
To add the Aurorа bot to your Discord server, simply click the "Invite Discord Bot" button on this page.
What is the Aurorа bot client ID?
The Discord bot id for Aurorа is 996248932822818877