HCR2 SoulisBot Discord Bot

HCR2 SoulisBot Discord Bot

One bot to rule them all!
Created to help you with your gameplay in Hill Climb Racing 2, moderate your server and have fun !!!

🤖️ https://hcr2soulisbot.soulis.tech/
* created by soulis#0385

About HCR2 SoulisBot

One bot to rule them all! Created to help you with your gameplay in Hill Climb Racing 2, moderate your server and have fun !!!

HCR2 SoulisBot implements commands to help you with your gameplay in Hill Climb 2. It supports commands for all different game modes like Adventure, Team Events and Public Event. It can calculate Team Event scores, suggest game strategies, show info for current Team Event, suggest strategies for Adventure Mode and display track countdown for Public Events. There are also some commands that display useful links like the game's wiki, a guide, EULA and Fairplay guidelines.

HCR2 SoulisBot also supports moderation commands, a customizable welcomer, user and server info commands, boosters and an invite tracker !!!

fun hcr2 manage server moderation

HCR2 SoulisBot Command List

Popular commands that users of the HCR2 SoulisBot Discord bot use most often. Get a full list by doing /help in Discord.


Magic 8ball


Command group for vehicle and part suggestions for Adventure tracks (image based)


Delete a number of messages


Public Event Command Group


Team Event command group

HCR2 SoulisBot Bot FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the HCR2 SoulisBot Discord Bot.

What is the HCR2 SoulisBot Discord bot invite?

The invite for the HCR2 SoulisBot Discord Bot is https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=743388692940455957&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands

Is the HCR2 SoulisBot Discord bot offline?

The HCR2 SoulisBot Discord bot was last seen online, if you are experiencing issues please join their support server and open a ticket for help.

How many servers is HCR2 SoulisBot in?

HCR2 SoulisBot is in 971 servers.

How can I add the HCR2 SoulisBot Discord bot to my server?

To add the HCR2 SoulisBot bot to your Discord server, simply click the "Invite Discord Bot" button on this page.

What is the HCR2 SoulisBot bot client ID?

The Discord bot id for HCR2 SoulisBot is 743388692940455957

Want to add the HCR2 SoulisBot Discord bot to your server? click the button below to invite it.

Invite Discord Bot