DingDeng Discord Bot
Multipurpose bot with interactive games and more than **140 commands**, **11 categories** to explore
**Languages:** :flag_mx: :flag_br: :flag_gb:
**Support:** https://discord.gg/8pzncVfkzs
**Community:** https://discord.gg/mCrz7GUFen
About DingDeng
Multipurpose bot with more than 100 useful commands for your server and 11 categories Entertainment: Play trivia games and ''True or False'' games, answer questions and get the more highest score of the leaderboard, play the famous game ''Hangman'', ''Tictactoe'', ''Wordle'' among others, create a healthy competitive gaming environment with your friends. Moderation: Warn and penalize your server members who don't follow rules and set up a logging channel to send the detailed penalization report. Administration: Set up a channel for welcomes, farewells, suggestions an set the Moderator role for the members of your server, configure how you will send the messages and their content, as well as eliminate these channels when you decide. Management: Customize your commands for the server, autoroles, disable commands, modules, roles, channels so that no command is used that you do not want to be used. Utility: Informative and help commands showing information of a server, role, emoji, user, channel and information of the bot itself giving the option to its users to report any problem interactions: Offer the opportunity to your server members to express their emotions without allowing them to send a malicious link with the simple of using a command and allowing the bot to express themselves using gifs.
#fun #games #moderation #utility entertainmentDingDeng Command List
Popular commands that users of the DingDeng Discord bot use most often. Get a full list by doing /help in Discord.
Play the hangman game with friends or alone
🤔 Send a truth or dare proposition
🎟 Play a trivia game (respond questions)
🤔 Send a truth or dare proposition
Select an action
DingDeng Bot FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the DingDeng Discord Bot.
What is the DingDeng Discord bot invite?
The invite for the DingDeng Discord Bot is https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=800244951724064789&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands
Is the DingDeng Discord bot offline?
The DingDeng Discord bot was last seen online, if you are experiencing issues please join their support server and open a ticket for help.
How many servers is DingDeng in?
DingDeng is in 4,640 servers.
How can I add the DingDeng Discord bot to my server?
To add the DingDeng bot to your Discord server, simply click the "Invite Discord Bot" button on this page.
What is the DingDeng bot client ID?
The Discord bot id for DingDeng is 800244951724064789