Rimuru Discord Bot
This bot is in an Beta build `0.96566`. Expect bugs!
Current features: Anime notifications (sub and Japan-time), anime hug, kiss, blush (and more), useful moderation tools (nuke and purge), and more!
Invite the bot @ https://invite.rim.moe
About Rimuru
The Rimuru Bot, quite simply, is a bot with a tonna features, just dead up suggested by the community and me wondering if it'd be a good idea to add~ So practically its a bot with ideas got from everywhere.
The bot plans to be a full all-in-one bot replacing your 50-bots-in-one-server needs, but at the minute it has anime notifications (sub time (when it appears worldwide on streaming platforms) and Japan time), basic and fun utilities (such as hugging, etc). Of course, as soon as the bot is outa BETA, things will get a lot more stable, and downtime probably won't exist. (That won't happen though until I'm absolutely sure that the bot has zero bugs)
You know what, I've tried doing this, but then I ran out of catboy pics to add to Rimuru's database. Having a limited amount of pics does kinda suck, but what can I say. I'll get back to working on it when I get the chance.
Yep, there certainly is. I haven't released too many details on it just yet, but it's not an ordinary YouTube/SoundCloud player, so don't expect to play your videos off YT into an audio channel, sorry. That's not the kinda bot I'm trying to make. (I know this is really vague but I'll release more details nearer the time, I promise)
anime anime notifications multipurpose mutlifunctional notificationsRimuru Command List
Popular commands that users of the Rimuru Discord bot use most often. Get a full list by doing /help in Discord.
Snipe the last deleted message in-chat
Lookup an anime
Deletes a channel and recreates it.
No description provided
No description provided
Rimuru Bot FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the Rimuru Discord Bot.
What is the Rimuru Discord bot invite?
The invite for the Rimuru Discord Bot is https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=836294766651768904&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands
Is the Rimuru Discord bot offline?
The Rimuru Discord bot was last seen online, if you are experiencing issues please join their support server and open a ticket for help.
How many servers is Rimuru in?
Rimuru is in 465 servers.
How can I add the Rimuru Discord bot to my server?
To add the Rimuru bot to your Discord server, simply click the "Invite Discord Bot" button on this page.
What is the Rimuru bot client ID?
The Discord bot id for Rimuru is 836294766651768904