niji・journey Discord Bot
Let's make magic anime pictures!
Use to generate an image in under 60 seconds!
About niji・journey
Welcome to niji · journey This is a collaboration between Spellbrush and Midjourney. niji will turn your text into stunning anime images!
- Go to any of the numbered image-generation channels. You can navigate between channels on the left side of your screen (swipe from left to right to view them on mobile)
- Type /imagine, click the bar that appears above chat, and type your prompt
- The bot will generate a grid of 4 cute images in around 60 seconds.
AI anime fun image generation midjourneyniji・journey Command List
Popular commands that users of the niji・journey Discord bot use most often. Get a full list by doing /help in Discord.
View and adjust your personal settings.
View information about your profile.
Create images with Niji journey
Writes a prompt based on your image.
Blend images together seamlessly!
niji・journey Bot FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the niji・journey Discord Bot.
What is the niji・journey Discord bot invite?
The invite for the niji・journey Discord Bot is
Is the niji・journey Discord bot offline?
The niji・journey Discord bot was last seen online, if you are experiencing issues please join their support server and open a ticket for help.
How many servers is niji・journey in?
niji・journey is in 310,000 servers.
How can I add the niji・journey Discord bot to my server?
To add the niji・journey bot to your Discord server, simply click the "Invite Discord Bot" button on this page.
What is the niji・journey bot client ID?
The Discord bot id for niji・journey is 1022952195194359889