EternalGaius Discord Bot
EternalGaius is a feature-rich, easy-to-use Discord multipurpose bot built to deliver the best experience on Discord.
About EternalGaius
What we offer!
- Moderation, Fun, Utility Commands
- Slash Commands Support
- Welcome/Leave Messages (/greet)
- Account Age Manager (/accountage)
- Verification System (/verification)
EternalGaius is a feature-rich, easy-to-use Discord multipurpose and customizable bot built to deliver the best experience on Discord! We hope that with this bot, you can manage, and entertain your server members, with only 1 bot.
Moderation Utility Verification System WelcomerEternalGaius Command List
Popular commands that users of the EternalGaius Discord bot use most often. Get a full list by doing /help in Discord.
Plays Music
Action Commands
Set you as AFK
Minigame Commands
This command allows you to skip song.
EternalGaius Bot FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the EternalGaius Discord Bot.
What is the EternalGaius Discord bot invite?
The invite for the EternalGaius Discord Bot is
Is the EternalGaius Discord bot offline?
The EternalGaius Discord bot was last seen online, if you are experiencing issues please join their support server and open a ticket for help.
How many servers is EternalGaius in?
EternalGaius is in 298 servers.
How can I add the EternalGaius Discord bot to my server?
To add the EternalGaius bot to your Discord server, simply click the "Invite Discord Bot" button on this page.
What is the EternalGaius bot client ID?
The Discord bot id for EternalGaius is 716248082865455174