Nero Software Discord Bot

Nero Software Discord Bot

**The only music bot you'll ever need**
Developed by **hegy.**

About Nero Software

High Quality music playback without lagging Bot is verified by Discord, you can trust it Bot is focused on Music We currently support YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud and Deezer Also you can use built-in equalizer, changing volume, bassboost, nightcore and 8D

fun groovy rythm song youtube

Nero Software Command List

Popular commands that users of the Nero Software Discord bot use most often. Get a full list by doing /help in Discord.


Stop the playback


Adjust the volume


Leave the channel


Skip currently playing track


Queue a song

Nero Software Bot FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the Nero Software Discord Bot.

What is the Nero Software Discord bot invite?

The invite for the Nero Software Discord Bot is

Is the Nero Software Discord bot offline?

The Nero Software Discord bot was last seen online, if you are experiencing issues please join their support server and open a ticket for help.

How many servers is Nero Software in?

Nero Software is in 482,000 servers.

How can I add the Nero Software Discord bot to my server?

To add the Nero Software bot to your Discord server, simply click the "Invite Discord Bot" button on this page.

What is the Nero Software bot client ID?

The Discord bot id for Nero Software is 945683386100514827

Want to add the Nero Software Discord bot to your server? click the button below to invite it.

Invite Discord Bot