WaifuMaker V1 Discord Bot

WaifuMaker V1 Discord Bot

The ultimate text-to-waifu generator! Create the Waifu of your dreams and be as CREATIVE as you can - save, share, and collect them all for FREE on Discord! All creations are your own, so what are you waiting for?

About WaifuMaker V1

    **Text to Image AI generation is now here on Discord! Make the waifu of your dreams by only using your words, and create almost any image you want! All images are not FETCHED, they are CREATED by AI. You are free to use the images generated however you wish - be mindful that images generated does NOT break any laws/TOS!**

    `/make` -> Create your image with any description you like! Feel free to go wild. 

    Some examples to get you started:
    `/make pretty anime girl, yellow hair, sitting in a coffee table`
    `/make obama shaking hands with biden`

    **RUN WILD! To save the images you want to keep for yourself, click on the 🌟 emoji, and to do the same prompt again, just click on the 🔁 button.**

    `/favorite <name>` -> shows you all the images you favorited, so you can keep them!
    `/list` -> a list of all your Waifu images that you favorited, so you can quickly choose which one you want to view. 

    Currently, the model is focused towards anime. To generate more realistic images, use `photorealistic, photography, realistic, etc...` to get what you want. In the near future, once we get some of the problems out of the way (notably NSFW image prompts), it will be able to generate all kinds of images.

    This bot is currently in BETA - all generations are free, take advantage while you can! As computing costs go up, creations may be ratelimited as it'll be costly to host the bot. Please tell your friends about it - it'll help us grow and increase the community! 

    All feedback is welcome in the community server: https://discord.gg/DAVkzXC3un

    Some more details are explained in `/tutorial` - highly recommended to check that out.

    **HAPPY WAIFU-ING!**"""
AI Anime Art Fun Meme

WaifuMaker V1 Command List

Popular commands that users of the WaifuMaker V1 Discord bot use most often. Get a full list by doing /help in Discord.


Generates an image for the user.


Sets up the bot for use.


Need some ideas on how to get started? Here's some prompts!


View your favorites!


Shows how much energy you have.

WaifuMaker V1 Bot FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the WaifuMaker V1 Discord Bot.

What is the WaifuMaker V1 Discord bot invite?

The invite for the WaifuMaker V1 Discord Bot is https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1027087475719557122&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands

Is the WaifuMaker V1 Discord bot offline?

The WaifuMaker V1 Discord bot was last seen online, if you are experiencing issues please join their support server and open a ticket for help.

How many servers is WaifuMaker V1 in?

WaifuMaker V1 is in 10,800 servers.

How can I add the WaifuMaker V1 Discord bot to my server?

To add the WaifuMaker V1 bot to your Discord server, simply click the "Invite Discord Bot" button on this page.

What is the WaifuMaker V1 bot client ID?

The Discord bot id for WaifuMaker V1 is 1027087475719557122

Want to add the WaifuMaker V1 Discord bot to your server? click the button below to invite it.

Invite Discord Bot